Building customer relationships via emails

Building customer relationships via emails


The foundation of every successful business relies on building a strong relationship between the merchant and the customer. Businesses should not overlook the value of email communication as it has great potentials to foster and enhance ties with customers and prospects alike.


The personal touch matters

While blasting generic emails to prospects and customers may give you a short-term boost in sales, it can diminish your branding over the long-term and also reduce your reputation with your customers. Nobody likes to be spammed impersonal emails.

Take the time and craft an email that will allow you to connect with your audience. Tailor your email contents to their interests. Remember that your audience might have busy lives so your email should contain interesting and relevant contents to attract their attention.

Also, treat every email as though you are writing to an individual instead of a mailing list. This gives your audience a more intimate connection with your business and branding.


Don’t oversell your products

As merchants, you will naturally want to push your products to your audience via emails. There are limits to what you should push. Not every email should be about selling your products. Vary the contents of your emails. You could send them helpful tips, guides and so forth.

The goal of email communications is building your branding and establishing a strong relationship with your audience. When your branding is fresh in the minds of your audience, they are more likely to purchase from your business.

Therefore, make it a point to send season greetings to your audience when it comes to the holidays. This is great for indirectly promoting your business during the holiday season.


Branding is the key

Sending regular emails is vital to keep your branding at the top of your audience’s minds. The goal is to get your audience to think of your branding and your business each time they wish to purchase something. Practice all of the above and soon your business will expand.

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