Crafting a great welcome email


First impressions are very important as they do set the tone for any future relationships to blossom. That’s why your first email to your newsletter subscribers should be done right. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself to your new subscribers.


Email subject is a good start

It is easy to overlook the first thing that your subscribers will read. That is the email subject. This small but useful bit of your email can be used to reinforce your branding by mentioning your website or brand. With the right use of words and branding, you can put your readers at ease and make them love your brand.


Give your readers a brief background on your company or website

As this is your first email to your new subscriber, it makes sense to introduce yourself. Brief the reader about what your company or website does. To build trust, your audience should know more about your background. Nobody is going to trust a dodgy website that they know nothing about, let alone buy anything from them.


Educate them on what they are entitled to

Users sign up for newsletters for various reasons. Some do it to get access to benefits or services. Others may want to receive promotional emails so they can buy stuff at a discount. Devote some time and explain what benefits they can get as subscribers. Give them pointers on how to get started using your website and services.


Let them know they matter

When your readers are going through your email content, they need to get a feel that you care about what they think and feel. It helps if you write as if you’re talking to a friend. Remember that subscribers are also human. They need to feel a human connection even though it’s through words in your email. Let them know how to easily contact your staff if they need any assistance.


Throw in some freebies

Nothing says welcome like free stuff. Everyone loves getting free things. If you’re selling e-books, it’s good to let the users download one for free. After all, you are in this relationship for the long run. By making your readers happy, they will be more willing to buy from you in the future.



It does not take a lot to craft a great warm email to welcome new subscribers into your mailing family. Yes, they are family in a way. Treat them that way and your relationships with them will be a good one.



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