Utilizing social media to boost email signup

Utilizing social media to boost email signup
Utilizing social media to boost email signup


Ask anyone on the streets and there will be a very high chance that they are using some form of social media. This means that social media can play a big role in helping you gain more subscribers for your mailing list. This article will explore a few of the methods you can use to increase your list signups.


Call-to-Action button to join mailing list

The easiest way is just to include a Call-to-Action button on your Facebook page where people can just click to sign up for your newsletter. It’s fast and hassle-free from the user’s point of view. It would help if you can offer them something in return for their joining your mailing list. Perhaps a premium article or a discount voucher code to purchase something from your website.


Using paid Facebook ads is a good way to get your branding out there to people who may not even be aware that you exist. Considering the number of people on Facebook, this is your best bet to gain more than a few new subscribers to your mailing list.


Contest with email notification of winner

Another way to gain exposure is if you run a contest on your Facebook page. By asking Facebook users to share and like, you can in return give them better rewards. E.g. 1000 likes for your contest post and you’ll throw in an additional $100 reward. Along the way, you can require contestants to register their emails to your mailing list so that they’ll be notified if they win something.


Survey with a small token of appreciation via email

If you have been reading comments on Facebook posts, you’ll notice that people generally have differing opinions on just about anything and they’re not afraid to make themselves heard. So, with that in mind, craft a small market survey on Facebook and encourage your users to share the link with their friends. As a token of appreciation, you’ll send the users who completed the survey a discount voucher via email.


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