Quick checklist to improve email deliverability

Intro There are many factors that will affect your email deliverability so always remember to run through the list below before you commence any email marketing campaign. If you use the checklist below, you can minimize your bounce rate and save costs on your email sending.   Keep it double […]

MailboxValidator Mobile App

Intro We have recently introduced our MailboxValidator mobile app for the Android and iOS platforms. This free tool can quickly validate an email address without the need to sign up or register for anything.   Credits to perform queries This app works on the simple concept of credits. Each credit […]

Strategies for higher customer retention

Intro Attracting new customers is great for growing your business but for true business longevity, you also need to focus on customer retention. Do not underestimate the power of repeat customers. They are the ones who actually make or break your business. This article will delve into some of the […]

Utilizing social media to boost email signup

Intro Ask anyone on the streets and there will be a very high chance that they are using some form of social media. This means that social media can play a big role in helping you gain more subscribers for your mailing list. This article will explore a few of […]

Avoiding common pitfalls in email marketing campaigns

Intro Although anyone can perform an email marketing campaign, there are some pitfalls that you need to be aware of to make your campaign a success. After all, you want good returns on your investment in the campaign. The article will address some of the common pitfalls that would negatively […]

Types of spam traps and how to avoid them

Intro The life of an email marketer is tough because numbers don’t lie. If you don’t do your job properly, you will find your email marketing campaign reaching fewer and fewer people. Less people translates to lower revenue. When you see your open rate dropping below your normal threshold, you […]

How to import email list from SparkPost

SparkPost MailboxValidator’s integration with SparkPost provides users a very simple way to import their email list into MailboxValidator for verification and then return the results back to SparkPost. Getting started First of all, you need to have an account in SparkPost and also MailboxValidator. So head on to the sign […]

Email validation for form submission

Introduction A company website can be one of the greatest resources sending potential customers to you. To embed a form in a website is by far the most common thing you can find in a corporate website. Gone are the days of long queues to fill out a registration form […]

How to import email list from Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor MailboxValidator’s integration with Campaign Monitor provides users a very simple way to import their email list into MailboxValidator for verification and then return the results back to Campaign Monitor. Getting started First of all, you need to have an account in Campaign Monitor and also MailboxValidator. So head […]